How my Spiritual Journey Started


      So I am someone who has always considered herself a hard worker. I work hard all the time as I have believed since I was child that good things and prosperity come from hard work only. I think it came from when I was a little girl and seeing my dad have two to three jobs at a time. I only saw him was when he came home to eat lunch/dinner from his morning job and then left right away to his night job. I also saw him on Sundays which was his only day off. As time went by I saw how hard he worked every single day, all day and he provided for my mother, sister, and I. 
I learned from watching that I can only have the things I want and need by hard work. Therefore, I perceived life in this way.

Fast forward to the present! I have a full time job as A retail supervisor position at a great place. I love what I sell and believe in the products. However, I spread myself thin and say yes to every time I am asked for extra work that is needed for the store. I want that extra money!

One week in November of last year (2019) I spread myself too thin and worked too much. I did not listen to my body when My back started hurting and I kept working hard. One day I wake up and get ready for work. As I was doing my makeup out of nowhere I got a back spasm that brought me to me knees!!! Wowza did it hurt! I could barely move. I laid down in bed hoping that If I rested for the few hours before I had to go in to work it would go away. It did not. I waited and waited till I finally made the decision to ask someone to cover for me. I felt useless, embarrassed, and felt like I was disappointing everyone...even though I was in pain. I finally got my shift covered for that day. I called my mom and told her what had happened. I know, I know what you are all thinking! But my mom and I are close and I needed her.  Anyways, she came over and took care of me as I could not move a step. For the company and meals she made for me I am forever grateful. I didn't go to work for about four or five days. Would of been less time of rest if my mom hadn't insist on me resting until my back healed fully. I am stubborn and felt guilty of missing work. But why!? If I am in pain still.

During that resting time I had a lot of time of course. So as I rested and laid down I did what majority of us does and spent my time on my phone. Specifically on Youtube. This is when certain type of spiritual videos grabbed my attention. Now I didn't search these particular type of videos, they just popped into my home page on Youtube. I started watching astrology, spiritual, and energy, videos. I was obsessed! I learned so much during this time about myself, self love, and different perspectives to life. My own perspective started to change thus, I started my spiritual journey!

The lesson in this is 
1. Things happen for a reason. We might not know it at the time of our struggle but eventually we will learn the reason. 
2. When you don't listen to what your body needs It makes you listen! It is important to notice signs from your body when it needs to slow down and rest. 
3. Work smart not work hard. 

If you have something similar you would like to share I would love to hear it! Share it in the comments below.

Love and light,

Note: This is my free expression blog. It is an open perspective post and blog. If I sound a too whoo woo and you don't like it that is okay. Feel free check out my other wonderful posts on different topics! Spirituality is open, there are no rules and only limited to what each of us believe in. Thank you.


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