Positive Affirmation!
I saw this Quote at perfect timing! Right when I needed it. So I am sure if you are here you are meant to see it and hope it helps you! During this stay at home period I have been thinking a lot about my life. Its funny Isn't it... only when we take the time to slow down is when we actually have the time to stay still, be quiet, and listen to our mind and heart. I have been wanting to make a change in my life for a couple of months now.. but I've been scared. Before this whole virus event I was in a state of boredom and just going through daily life as a robot. I knew in my heart I was craving something different but, I didn't do anything to change. Change can be scary... but if We don't 'make a change and act then how will things change? We are so used to the comfortable and when we think towards the unknown we get uncomfortable. However, We need the uncomfortable in order to grow and learn. Yesterday I randomly got a message, it sought me. It...